「劇場版 ナオト、いまもひとりっきり」

「劇場版 ナオト、いまもひとりっきり」

原発事故による全町避難で無⼈地帯となった福島県富岡町にいまも⼀⼈で暮らすナオトは、 ⾼度経済成




"Alone Again in Fukushima"

“Alone Again is Fukushima” is the long-awaited sequel to "Alone in Fukushima" (2015), which followed
Naoto Matsumura, a man who remained in the nuclear zone in Fukushima to tend animals. The film
has followed Naoto for nearly a decade and portrays how Naoto and the animals survived the
residents' return to the town, Tokyo Olympics, and COVID-19.

In the course of 10 years, many animals and humans were born and died. But Naoto remained in the
town and took care of the animals. He raised chickens and kept bees in order to survive. In 2017,
Tomioka became the place where people can come back to live, however most young people didn’t
return. Fukushima was used for the promotion for “Reconstruction Olympics” and torch runners ran in
the empty streets of Fukushima.

There is no end in sight for the nuclear crisis in Fukushima. The contaminated water is overflowing
and will be pumped out to the ocean soon. Meanwhile the government is trying to restart the nuclear
reactors all over the country. The film will give us a chance to reflect on this situation by looking at
how Naoto and animals survive in Fukushima.

(2023/Japan/HDV/Color/106 mins)

「劇場版 ナオト、いまもひとりっきり」

Films - Fiction

  • 「マリアに幸あれ」
    "Hail Mary"
  • 「ワタシの中の彼女」
    "She is me, I am her"
  • 「親密な他人」
    "Intimate Stranger"
    (フイクション、96分、2022年  Fiction, 96 mins, 2022)
  • 「4人のあいだで」
    "Among Four of Us"
    (2020年、20分、フィクション 20 mins, short film 2020)
  • 「クローンハート」
    “The Marionnettiste”
  • 「午後の悪魔」
    "The Devil in the Afternoon"
  • 「ハリヨの夏」
    “The Summer of Stickleback”

Films - Documentary

  • 「劇場版 ナオト、いまもひとりっきり」
    "Alone Again in Fukushima"
  • 「ナオト、いまもひとりっきり」
    "Alone Again in Fukushima"
  • 「愛国者に気をつけろ!鈴木邦男」
    “Watch Out for the Patriot! – Kunio Suzuki”
  • 「ナオトひとりっきり-Alone in Fukushima」
    “Alone in Fukushima”
  • 「孤独なツバメたち〜デカセギの子どもに生まれて」
    “Lonely Swallows–Living as the Children of Migrant Workers”


  • NHK BS1スペシャル「ミュージカルの聖地に挑む〜演出家 藤田俊太郎のロンドン進出」
    “Musical director Shuntaro Fujita directs musical in London” (TV documentary )
  • NHK BS 1「地球タクシー:ニューヨークを走る」
    “Planet Taxi: Driving in New York City” (TV documentary series, NHK BS1)
  • NHK国際共同製作ドラマ「東京裁判」
    “Tokyo Trial” (international co-production TV drama series)